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Root Certificate Authority (CA)

PKI Overview

My internal PKI is built using several different pieces of software, namely OpenSSL1, Smallstep CA2, Microsoft Active Directory Certificate Services, and FreeIPA3.

My Root CA is offline and based on OpenSSL. The private key is generated and stored on a Yubikey 5 Nano4. The Root CA is restricted to a pathlen of 1 and is only used to sign subordinated CAs for issuing end entity certificates.

The following is the structure of my internal PKI:

DoubleU Root CA             { openssl } [ ]
├── Home Issuing CA 01      { step-ca } [ ]
├── Home Cloud ACME CA 01   { step-ca } [ ]
├── Home AD CA 01           { adcs    } [ ]
└── Home IPA CA 01          { dogtag  } [ ]

Subordinate CAs have their own entries.

Root CA Implementation

CA files and the database are stored on two USB drives, where one is where CA actions are taken, and the second is mirrored using rsync to ensure a safe backup. Both USB drives contain a 64MB LUKS-encrypted partition that holds only text files that contain the Yubikey's Management Key (KEY), PIN, and PIN Unlock Key (PUK). These files are generated using urandom and CA actions are documented to use the files directly as credentials, meaning the values contained in these files are never leaked to the environment or command history.

Root CA assets, such as the issuing certificate defined in the Authority Information Access (AIA) extension and the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Distribution Points (CDP) extension, are made available through a statically generated site on Github Pages ( That site describes how it was set up and why.

Install Dependencies

OpenSSL and cryptsetup are already installed on Fedora 35, but there is a few other tools we need.

sudo dnf install -y \
yubikey-manager \
  • yubikey-manager is used to reset, generate private keys, and copy the signed certificate to the Yubikey.
  • yubico-piv-tool is used to configure the management key, PIN, and PIN unlock key. This can be done from yubikey-manager, but changing the management key using that is obnoxious due to length of the default key, which must be provided to change it. It also provides libykcs11, which is used by OpenSSL to access the PIV portion of the Yubikey.


You might see tutorials using datefudge to mask the certificate start date, which generally corresponds with the time it was created. This is likely due to those tutorials using openssl req -x509 to create the private key and self signed certificate at the same time.

req does not have -startdate and -enddate flags like ca does, so you need to trick OpenSSL using tools like datefudge.

Since the steps here use req to create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and ca to sign it, -startdate and -enddate are available so we don't need these tools.

Prepare CA Storage

Insert your USB drive and use lsblk to get the device id.

$ lsblk
. . .
sdb           8:16    1  28.7G   0  disk  
└──sdb1       8:17    1  28.7G   0  part  /run/media/$USER/14F4-0530
. . .

USB drives generally automount on Fedora Workstation, so be sure to unmount it before doing anything with it.

umount /dev/sdb1

Next, use fdisk to wipe the drive and create two partitions, one 64MB, and the other using the rest of the available space. Do this with a one-liner instead of the interactive prompt. Single quotes without spaces ('') denote an Enter keystroke.

printf '%s\n' g n '' '' +64M n '' '' '' w | \
sudo fdisk /dev/sdb

The commands equate to:

  • g - Create a new GPT partition table
  • n - Create a new partition
  • '' - Partition number, use default 1
  • '' - First sector, use default: beginning of drive
  • +64M - Last sector, set as 64MB after first sector
  • n - Create a new partition
  • '' - Partition number, use default 2
  • '' - First sector, use default: first available after previous partition
  • '' - Last sector, use default: remaining available space on drive
  • w - Write partition table and exit

Running lsblk again will show the new drive structure.

$ lsblk
. . .
sdb           8:16    1  28.7G   0  disk
├──sdb1       8:17    1    64M   0  part
└──sdb2       8:18    1  28.6G   0  part
. . .

Secrets Partition

Next, encrypt the 64MB partition using LUKS. Make sure the passphrase is sufficiently long (<= 512 characters), but easy to remember.

Obligatory XKCD

XKCD 936

$ sudo cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdb1

This will overwrite data on /dev/sdb1 irrevocably.

Are you sure? (Type 'yes' in capital letters): YES
Enter passphrase for /dev/sdb1:
Verify passphrase:

Open the new LUKS partition and map it:

sudo cryptsetup open /dev/sdb1 yubirootsec

Next step is to format the partition. I chose FAT32 for both since I don't need anything fancy, and a bit of added "security" of not being able to set execute bits.

sudo mkfs.vfat -v \
-F 32 -n YUBIROOTSEC /dev/mapper/yubirootsec

Finally, close the device. We're going to remove and reinsert it after formatting the data partition so Gnome will mount the drive in your user space, sparing the need to use sudo for every command. Other desktop environments may do something similar, but I have not tried so YMMV.

sudo cryptsetup close yubirootsec

CA Data Partition

As before, format the partition as FAT32.

sudo mkfs.vfat -v -F 32 -n ROOTCA /dev/sdb2

Now remove and reinsert the drive. You should be prompted for the LUKS partition's passphrase. The drives will be mounted using the filesystem labels under /run/media/$USER/:

  • /run/media/$USER/ROOTCA
  • /run/media/$USER/YUBIROOTSEC

Prepare Yubikey

Change into the YUBIROOTSEC directory:

cd /run/media/$USER/YUBIROOTSEC

Generate the secrets used to manage the Yubikey and PIV slots.

export LC_CTYPE=C
( \
    dd if=/dev/urandom 2>/dev/null | \
    tr -d '[:lower:]' | \
    tr -cd '[:xdigit:]' | \
    fold -w48 | \
    head -1 \
) > KEY
( \
    dd if=/dev/urandom 2>/dev/null | \
    tr -cd '[:digit:]' | \
    fold -w6 | \
    head -1 \
) > PIN
( \
    dd if=/dev/urandom 2>/dev/null | \
    tr -cd '[:digit:]' | \
    fold -w8 | \
    head -1 \
) > PUK

Reset the Yubikey to factory settings.


If you've previously used this Yubikey, make sure you don't need any of the certificates, or you have backups elsewhere.

ykman piv reset

Apply the secrets you just generated to the Yubikey.

yubico-piv-tool -a set-mgm-key -n $(cat KEY)
yubico-piv-tool -k $(cat KEY) \
-a change-pin -P 123456 -N $(cat PIN)
yubico-piv-tool -k $(cat KEY) \
-a change-puk -P 12345678 -N $(cat PUK)

Generate Root CA Key

There are two ways to do this. I've done both, but for my uses prefer "The Risky Way".

I generated my private key on the Yubikey so that it never touches the outside world.

ykman piv keys generate \
-m $(cat KEY) -P $(cat PIN) \
-a ECCP384 9a - > /dev/null

The trailing hyphen (-) sends the public key to stdout. We don't need it, so we're redirecting it to /dev/null.

This is a bit risky since if something happens to the Yubikey, then I'll have to order a new one and redeploy the entire PKI. If you prefer to have a backup, see "The Safer Way".

To ensure the safety of your private key, get another pair of USB drives, encrypt them, then generate it using OpenSSL.

openssl genpkey \
-algorithm ec \
-pkeyopt ec_paramgen_curve:P-384 \
-pkeyopt ec_param_enc:named_curve \
-out root_ca.key.pem

Import the key to the Yubikey.

ykman piv keys import \
-m $(cat KEY) -P $(cat PIN) \
9a root_ca.key.pem

Setup CA Directory

Change to the ROOTCA partition.

cd /run/media/$USER/ROOTCA

Create the file structure.

mkdir ca certs crl db

Generate required files.

( \
    dd if=/dev/urandom 2>/dev/null | \
    tr -d '[:lower:]' | \
    tr -cd '[:xdigit]' | \
    fold -w 40 | \
    head -1 \
) > db/
echo 1000 > db/
touch db/root_ca.db{,.attr}

Create the following three files:

[ default ]
dir          = .
dir          = $ENV::ROOTCA_DIR
openssl_conf = openssl_def

[ openssl_def ]
engines = engines_def

[ engines_def ]
pkcs11 = pkcs11_def

[ pkcs11_def ]
engine_id   = pkcs11
MODULE_PATH = /usr/lib64/
init        = 0


[ ca ]
default_ca = root_ca

[ root_ca ]
certificate      = $dir/ca/root_ca.crt.pem
private_key      = "pkcs11:id=%01;type=private"
new_certs_dir    = $dir/certs
serial           = $dir/db/
crlnumber        = $dir/db/
database         = $dir/db/root_ca.db
unique_subject   = no
default_days     = 3652
default_md       = sha256
policy           = match_pol
email_in_dn      = no
preserve         = no
name_opt         = ca_default
cert_opt         = ca_default
copy_extensions  = none
default_crl_days = 180
crl_extensions   = crl_ext

[ match_pol ]
domainComponent        = supplied
countryName            = match
stateOrProvinceName    = optional
localityName           = optional
organizationName       = match
organizationalUnitName = optional
commonName             = supplied

[ crl_ext ]
authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always


[ root_ca_ext ]
keyUsage               = critical, keyCertSign, cRLSign
basicConstraints       = critical, CA:true, pathlen:1
subjectKeyIdentifier   = hash
authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always

[ issuing_ca_ext ]
keyUsage               = critical, keyCertSign, cRLSign
basicConstraints       = critical, CA:true, pathlen:0
subjectKeyIdentifier   = hash
authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always
authorityInfoAccess    = @issuing_ca_aia
crlDistributionPoints  = @issuing_ca_cdp

[ issuing_ca_aia ]
caIssuers;URI.0 =

[ issuing_ca_cdp ]
URI.0 =
export ROOTCA_DIR=$(cd -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" &>/dev/null && pwd)

alias rootca="openssl ca \
-config ${ROOTCA_DIR}/openssl.cnf \
-engine pkcs11 \
-keyform engine $@"
unalias rootca 2>/dev/null


The ROOTCA directory should look like this now:

├── activate
├── ca
├── certs
├── crl
├── db
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── root_ca.db
│   └── root_ca.db.attr
├── deactivate
└── openssl.cnf

Generate Root Certificate

Request the certificate. Ensure the subj complies with the policy set in openssl.cnf.

openssl req -new \
-engine pkcs11 \
-keyform engine \
-key "pkcs11:id=%01;type=private" \
-subj "/CN=DoubleU Root CA/O=DoubleU Labs/C=US/DC=doubleu/DC=codes" \
-passin file:/run/media/$USER/YUBIROOTSEC/PIN \
-out ca/root_ca.csr.pem

Sign the CSR and pay attention to the startdate and enddate. It can be formatted in one of two ways:

  • YYMMDDHHMMSSZ (two digit year, eg. 220101000000Z)
  • YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ (four digit year, eg. 20220101000000Z)

Both formats must include seconds (SS) and the Z at the end, which denotes GMT / UTC / Zulu time.

openssl ca \
-config openssl.cnf \
-engine pkcs11 \
-keyform engine \
-selfsign \
-notext \
-passin file:/run/media/$USER/YUBIROOTSEC/PIN \
-in ca/root_ca.csr.pem \
-out ca/root_ca.csr.pem \
-extensions root_ca_ext \
-startdate 202201010000Z \
-enddate 204201010000Z

Import the signed certificate into the Yubikey. Make sure to use the same slot as the private key.

ykman piv certificates import \
-m $(cat /run/media/$USER/YUBIROOTSEC/KEY) \
-P $(cat /run/media/$USER/YUBIROOTSEC/PIN) \
9a ca/root_ca.crt.pem

Show Yubikey PIV info to see the new certificate.

$ ykman piv info
PIN verison: 5.4.3
PIN tries remaining: 3/3
Management key algorithm: TDES
CHUID:  [redacted (Card Holder Unique Identifier)]
CCC:    No data available
Slot 9a:
        Algorithm:      ECCP384
        Subject DN:     CN=DoubleU Root CA,O=DoubleU Labs,C=US,DC=doubleu,DC=codes
        Issuer DN:      CN=DoubleU Root CA,O=DoubleU Labs,C=US,DC=doubleu,DC=codes
        Serial:         123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678
        Fingerprint:    1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef
        Not before:     2022-01-01 00:00:00
        Not after:      2042-01-01 00:00:00

Convert the PEM encoded certificate to DER since this is what's needed for the Authority Information Access (AIA) extension on certificates issued by the root.

openssl x509 \
-in ca/root_ca.crt.pem \
-out ca/root_ca.crt \
-outform der

Generate CRL

Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) must be accessible by subordinate certificate authorities and their end entities. Mint the first one. It's mostly only consumed in DER format, so directly render it as such.

openssl ca \
-config openssl.cnf \
-engine pkcs11 \
-keyform engine \
-gencrl \
-passin file:/run/media/$USER/YUBIROOTSEC/PIN | \
openssl crl -outform der -out crl/root_ca.crl
rootca -gencrl \
-passin file:/run/media/$USER/YUBIROOTSEC/PIN | \
openssl crl -outform der -out crl/root_ca.crl

openssl.cnf sets the default expiration date at 180 days, which is roughly six months. A good practice is to issue a new CRL about ⅔ through the validity period, so effectivly every 120 days, or roughly four months.

Signing Issuing/Intermediate CA

We aren't signing anything right now, but this is how we'll sign issuing CA CSRs when the time comes.

source /run/media/$USER/ROOTCA/activate

activate sets an environment variable containing the absolute path of the root CA directory, which is used by the rootca alias and openssl.cnf. This means rootca can be used from any directory, so you can work with subordinate CSRs without having work directly in the ROOTCA directory.

rootca \
-notext \
-passin file:/run/media/$USER/YUBIROOTSEC/PIN \
-in intermediate_ca.csr \
-out intermediate_ca.crt.pem \
-extensions issuing_ca_ext

Make sure the Distinguished Name in the request matches the policy in openssl.cnf, in my case:

  • domainComponent / DC must be set
  • countryName / C must be US
  • organizationName / O must be DoubleU Labs
  • commonName / CN must be set
source /run/media/$USER/deactivate

deactivate removes the rootca alias and the environment variable that stores the absolute path of the CA.

Sync Backup USB

Insert the second USB drive and format it the same as the first, including identical partition labels. Be sure to also do the remove and reinsert steps to mount the secondary in the current userspace.

Partitions on the secondary drive will be mounted in directories with an incremented digit, (ROOTCA1 and YUBIROOTSEC1).

rsync -a \
/run/media/$USER/ROOTCA/ \
rsync -a \
/run/media/$USER/YUBIROOTSEC/ \

The trailing slash on the source path is critical or else the parent directory will be copied instead of only the directory contents.


Unmount the USB partitions from Gnome Files, or with the following:

sudo cryptsetup close \
$(lsblk -o NAME /dev/sdb | grep -oe "luks.*")

Publish CRT and CRL

Copy ca/root_ca.crt and crl/root_ca.crl to the distribution point you set up and can receive requests on the URI specified by authorityInfoAccess and crlDistributionPoints. Make sure the file name matches the URI as well.

I'm using a statically built site on Github Pages to serve this purpose:

Last update: April 2, 2022
Created: March 24, 2022